Earth Overshoot Day Is Coming Sooner and Sooner
In the first four months of 2024, Iran imported 1.32 billion euros from EU-27, of which 11% were medical and pharmaceutical products.
According to Eurostat, the volume of trade between Iran and the EU-27 from January to April 2024 reached 1.61 billion euros, an increase of 8% compared to the same period last year. Europe’s exports were 1.32 billion euros (+9%) and Iran’s exports were 292 million euros (+2%).
In April 2024, the volume of trade between Iran and the European Union is 329 million euros, which has increased by 5% compared to the same month last year. European exports increased by 1% (from 251 to 254 million euros) and Iran’s exports increased by 20% (from 63 to 75 million euros).
Although Italy was the top importer of Iranian goods in Europe in the Q1 2024, new statistics show that Germany has regained its position back. Germany is again Iran’s top trade partner in Europe with a trade volume of 508 million euros. The largest import of Iran from Europe is from Germany with 430 million euros and the Netherlands is in the next rank with 170 million euros. Among the EU-27 countries, Iran’s largest export is to Germany with 79 million euros and Italy ranks second with 77 million euros.