
Wir unterstützen Sie als Aussteller oder Besucher, Ihre Teilnahme an Messen in Deutschland oder Iran optimal vorzubereiten.

Messen bieten hervorragende Möglichkeiten, Kunden zu erreichen und Geschäftspartner zu finden. Die AHK Iran unterstützt Aussteller und Besucher dabei, die Teilnahme an Messen in Iran oder Deutschland optimal vorzubereiten und zu einem geschäftlichen Erfolg werden zu lassen.


Wir bieten Unterstützung bei:

  • Advice on participation according to business areas and objectives of the company
  • Provision of detailed information material market analyses for your industry; advice according to your products and objectives
  • Translation services
  • Stand construction Planning and realisation of the trade fair stand in cooperation with renowned stand construction companies and graphic designers
  • Organizational preparation of your participation at the fair as an exhibitor booking of exhibition stands, procurement of invitation cards, exhibitor passes or parking passes
  • Assistance with travel and hotel bookings
  • Advice on choosing the trade fair that best suits your needs
  • Advance booking of admission tickets for visitors at a reduced price
  • Translation services
  • Assistance with travel and hotel bookings

You may not be able to attend the exhibition for various reasons. The special services of the surrogate plan are suitable for you. These services include attending the exhibition on behalf of the organization with the aim of introducing the company, collecting information, introducing the organization, exchanging brochures and business cards and samples of your products with the target companies and providing a supplementary report after the exhibition. This supplementary report includes the list of people met, contact information, topics and negotiations, and actions that can be taken next.

The AHK Iran also organizes 2019 business delegations to international and renowned trade fairs in Germany, which can be found in our „EVENT Calendar“. The program and the travel planning including flight tickets, the organization of transport and accommodation, the admission tickets to the fair, company visits, B2B meetings and round tables are the tasks that we gladly take over. The delegation will be accompanied by a member of the Chamber from arrival to departure.

In order to make the stay of German exhibitors as successful as possible, we organise trade fair evenings for Iranian trade fairs with German Pavilions. The AHK Iran has been acting as a link between Germany and Iran for years and contributes to the intensification of business relations between both countries to the best of its ability, even and especially in difficult times. During this event you will have the opportunity to connect to potential business partners in a pleasant atmosphere. In addition, we will briefly introduce you to the business divisions and the most important services of AHK Iran. We will be happy to accompany you in your future business activities in Iran and will do our best to contribute to your success.

Mina Moazenni


+98 21 81331504
